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Halloween in the United States: A Celebration of Mystery and Mirth


On October 31st of every year, when the autumn wind cools and the night darkens, the streets and alleys of the United States are filled with a mysterious and cheerful atmosphere. This is the arrival of Halloween. This fantasy festival is not only a grand carnival, but also a perfect fusion of ancient traditions and modern creativity. Let us explore the origin, history, traditional customs and fascinating symbols of Halloween.

Halloween in the United States: A Celebration of Mystery and Mirth

Origin: From the Celtic Samhain Festival to Modern Halloween


The origin of Halloween can be traced back thousands of years ago, when the Celts living in Britain, Ireland and France celebrated a festival called "Samhain". Samhain marks the end of summer and the beginning of winter. The Celts believed that on this day, the boundaries between the living and the dead became blurred, and ghosts and demons would wander in the world. In order to ward off evil spirits and exorcise demons, they lit bonfires, put on strange costumes, put on demon masks, and offered food to these dead souls in order to obtain a good harvest and peace in the coming year.

With the introduction of Christianity, this tradition was gradually incorporated into the religious festival system. In the 9th century, the Catholic Church designated November 1 as "All Saints' Day" to commemorate all those who lived upright in the Christian faith but were not officially sanctified. October 31, the original date of Samhain, was called "Halloween" and became a non-religious celebration day.

History: From Europe to the United States

In the 19th century, with the influx of Irish and Scottish immigrants, Halloween was brought to the United States and gradually took root in this new continent. These immigrants not only brought their own traditional customs, but also integrated them with the native American culture to create a series of unique celebrations. By the beginning of the 20th century, Halloween had evolved into a grand festival of national carnival in the United States, with all kinds of creative decorations and activities filling the streets and alleys.

Traditional customs: from "Trick or Treat" to Jack-O-Lanterns

When it comes to Halloween, we have to mention the traditional custom of "Trick or Treat". This custom originated from the "soul cake" begging activities in medieval Europe. Later, it evolved into children wearing various costumes, holding pumpkin lanterns, knocking on doors from house to house to ask for candy. If the owner does not give candy, the children will play pranks to add fun to the festival. This interactive way not only allows children to enjoy the fun, but also promotes harmony and unity among the community.

The pumpkin lantern is one of the most representative symbols of Halloween. It originated from an ancient Irish legend, telling the story of a man named Jack and the devil. After Jack died, he could neither go to heaven nor go to hell, and could only wander around the world with a lantern made of pumpkins. As a result, the pumpkin lantern became a symbol of Halloween night, representing the commemoration of the dead and the desire to exorcise evil spirits. Nowadays, every household will place a pumpkin lantern in front of the door to add a sense of mystery and warmth to the festival.

Symbols: From masks to black cats

During Halloween, people also wear various masks and make up into various scary or weird images, such as ghosts, zombies, wizards, etc. This tradition originated from celebrations in ancient Rome, and people believed that makeup and masks could scare away evil spirits. In modern society, these costumes are no longer a simple means of warding off evil, but have become an excellent opportunity to show personality and creativity.

In addition, black cats, bats, spiders, etc. are also common symbols of Halloween. Black cats are regarded as the incarnation of witches or messengers of the future because of their mysterious image; bats and spiders are regarded as creatures connected to the world of the dead because of their nocturnal habits. The use of these symbols not only enriches the visual effects of Halloween, but also deepens people's feelings about the mysterious atmosphere of this festival.

Halloween, a festival originated from the ancient Celtic tradition, has evolved into a global celebration full of joy and creativity after the influence of Christianity, the spread of European immigrants and the integration of American culture. Whether it is the traditional custom of "trick or treat", or the symbolic symbols such as pumpkin lanterns and masks, this festival is full of unique charm and mystery. On this special day, let us release our imagination and creativity and enjoy this double gift from ancient and modern times together!

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