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Halloween Pumpkin Shopping Guide


With the footsteps of Halloween getting closer and closer, the major supermarkets in Southern California have set out colorful pumpkins, for this festival full of mystery and joy warm-up. Trader Joe's and other supermarkets are even placed in the most conspicuous position in front of the entrance pumpkin, set up a special pumpkin zone. Do you know how to choose from the wide variety of pumpkins in different shapes and sizes? In addition to decoration, can they also become a delicious meal? The following Halloween pumpkin shopping guide will take you in-depth understanding of the Halloween pumpkins in supermarkets across the United States.

Halloween Pumpkin Shopping Guide

Connecticut Field Pumpkin


The Connecticut Field Pumpkin is a Halloween classic that is found on farms across the United States and is the most common variety of pumpkin. This pumpkin presents a classic yellow oval shape with a thin skin and is easy to carve, making it a popular choice for pumpkin lights. During the carving process, you can hollow out the pumpkin seeds, which can be used not only for decoration, but also washed and baked in the oven or sautéed in a pan for a tasty snack.

Picking Tips:

- Make sure the surface of the pumpkin is smooth and shows no signs of damage or decay.

- Choose pumpkins that are uniform in color and full, so they are more ripe.

- Tap the pumpkin gently; it should sound firm, not hollow.

Sugar Pie Pumpkin

Sugar Pie Pumpkin is similar in color to the Connecticut field pumpkin, but has a more rounded appearance and is smaller, usually weighing between 2-4 pounds. It is a favorite in American homes for making pumpkin pie and other pumpkin treats. Most canned pumpkins sold in supermarkets are made from sugar pie pumpkins.

Selection tips:

- Choose pumpkins that are round and blemish-free in appearance.

- Make sure the pumpkin is of medium weight; one that is too light may not be ripe enough.

Ornamental Gourds

In the pumpkin section of the supermarket, you will be attracted by those peculiarly shaped and colorful ornamental pumpkins. These pumpkins have a unique appearance, resembling a gourd, highly decorative value. They are easy to grow, can be stored for a long time after drying and are very affordable.

Selection Tips:

- Choose shapes and colors according to personal preference.

- Be careful to choose the surface of the pumpkin is not damaged, in order to extend the preservation time.

Cheese Pumpkin

Cheese pumpkin has a long history in the United States, it is wider in size, the color is dark orange, not as bright as the classic pumpkin. With its thick, sweet flesh, the Cheese Pumpkin is perfect for baking or making pumpkin pie. It's also good for stews and other long-cooking dishes, such as pumpkin soup.

Selection Tips:

- Choose pumpkins that are uniform in size and color.

- Gently press the pumpkin to feel that the flesh should be firm.

Japanese pumpkin

Japanese pumpkin, also known as pumpkin, loved by Asian consumers. Its skin is dark green, small fruit, firm flesh, taste similar to chestnuts, dense, soft and sweet. Japanese pumpkin is suitable for a variety of cooking methods, whether it is steamed, stewed or made into pumpkin pie.

Selection Tips:

- Choose pumpkins with smooth, undamaged rinds.

- Japanese pumpkin weight is usually light, choose the feel of heavy preferred.

Sweet Dumpling Squash

Sweet Dumpling Squash are popular for their cute appearance and delicious flavor. They are usually white in color with mottled yellow, orange or green spots and weigh less than a pound each, making them perfect for one or two people. The smooth, tender flesh of pocket-sized pumpkins is sweet and flavorful and can be cooked in a variety of ways.

Selection tips:

- Choose pumpkins that are intact in appearance and brightly colored.

- Because of their small size, pick several different colors to match.

The selection of Halloween pumpkins is not only for decoration, but also for enjoying food. With the above shopping guide, I believe you already have a better understanding of various pumpkins. This Halloween, why don't you pick a few pumpkins according to your preferences and needs, both to decorate your home and enrich your table. Whether it is the traditional custom of carving pumpkin lamps, or the fun of tasting pumpkin food, can let you feel the unique charm of this holiday, enjoy the happy time brought by the pumpkin!

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