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Small face without worries: the secret to a perfect small face


In the pursuit of a perfect face, a slimmer face has always been a dream goal for many people. Thanks to the development of modern medical aesthetic technology, slimming down the face is no longer an unattainable task. Medical aesthetic face slimming program through a variety of technical means, to help people more accurately shape the ideal face, so as to enhance the overall facial aesthetics.

Small face without worries: the secret to a perfect small face

Botulinum toxin face slimming injection


Botox face slimming injection is one of the most popular face slimming programs at present, especially suitable for people with wider face due to enlarged biting muscle. By injecting into the biting muscle area, Botox relaxes the muscle and reduces the biting muscle that has enlarged due to overuse, thus realizing the narrowing effect of the face shape.

Suitable for: People whose facial width is mainly caused by well-developed bite muscles.

Duration of effect: usually starts to show within 2 weeks after injection, the effect can be maintained for 6 to 12 months, and regular injection is required to maintain.

Advantages: simple operation, short recovery period, fewer side effects.

Precautions: Avoid biting hard objects and massaging the injection site for a short period of time after injection to prevent the spread of botulinum toxin.

Facial liposuction


For people with more facial fat, facial liposuction is an effective way to slim down the face. Through a minimally invasive surgical procedure, excess facial fat is suctioned out, resulting in a tightened facial contour.

Suitable for: People with rounded face or obvious double chin due to fat accumulation.

Duration: Significant and long-lasting results, repeat operations are usually not required.

Advantage: It can significantly reduce fat accumulation and the effect is obvious after the operation.

Precautions: It is necessary to wear facial contouring appliances after the operation and follow the doctor's nursing advice to prevent postoperative swelling and infection.

Cellulite reduction needle to slim down the face


Subcutaneous fat reduction needle is also commonly known as fat elimination needle, fat dissolving needle, mainly using a special drug injection, so that the fat cell celiac into smaller fat particles, and these dissolved fat cell fragments will be with the body lymphatic circulation, metabolized by the liver outside the body, and ultimately achieve the effect of fat elimination. Therefore, fat elimination injection is especially suitable for localized fat and superficial fat areas such as the flesh around the mouth and double chins.

Suitable for: Suitable for people with more fat accumulation on the face, unclear jaw line and obvious double chin.

Duration: The effect usually starts to be seen 2 to 4 weeks after the injection. Once the fat cells dissolved by the fat elimination injection are metabolized out of the body, the effect is long-lasting.

Advantage: Unlike surgical liposuction, fat elimination injection does not require incisions and is a non-invasive way to slim down the face, avoiding the risks and recovery period associated with surgery.

Precautions: It may take several injections to achieve the desired effect, avoid strenuous exercise after injection, avoid massaging the injection site in a short period of time, as well as keeping the face clean to prevent infection.

Thread Lifting

Thread lifting is a technique of lifting the face by implanting absorbable wires, which is suitable for people who want to lift the sagging skin of the face and improve the contour of the face. This method not only achieves a slimming effect on the face, but also enhances skin firmness and creates a more youthful facial contour.

Suitable for: People with loose facial skin and an inconspicuous jawline who wish to enhance the overall facial contour.

Duration of effect: The effect usually lasts for 1 to 2 years, depending on individual physique and post-operative care.

Advantages: Relatively simple operation, short recovery period and natural effect.

Precautions: Avoid large facial expressions and high temperature environment, such as sauna, to avoid affecting the effect.

Electrolysis / Sonic Facelift

Because they are non-invasive, have no recovery period, and can improve multiple aging problems at the same time, electro-acoustic treatments are becoming more and more popular among modern people. “Sonic facelift” is the use of focused ultrasound, the precise delivery of energy to the SMAS fascia layer, stimulating the contraction of the fascia layer to achieve the lifting effect; ‘electro-acoustic facelift’ is through the high-frequency radio waves generated by the principle of volumetric heating, from the surface of the skin from the outside to the inside of the heating, so that the original sagging skin to become tighter. Although the principles and treatment effects of the two are slightly different, both can help tissue contraction, promote collagen growth, improve the sagging of the cheeks of the aging type of large face problems, to achieve skin tightening, the effect of lifting the contour line.

Suitable for: Groups who wish to improve facial laxity and tighten contours but do not wish to undergo surgery.

Duration of effect: Electrolysis effect usually lasts for 1 to 2 years, while sonic effect lasts for a similar period of time.

Advantages: Non-invasive, no visible recovery period, natural and long-term results.

Precautions: After the procedure, you need to pay attention to moisturizing and sun protection to prevent skin sensitivity or dryness.

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