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Outdoor Research

en.Outdoor Research.com
Outdoor Research

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About en.Outdoor Research.com

Born from adventure, Outdoor Research (OR) has been tackling the challenges faced by outdoor enthusiasts since 1986. Founded by Ron Gregg, a climber and innovator, OR is dedicated to providing practical and functional gear for every situation you might encounter in the wild. They're known for their meticulously designed outerwear, like the iconic Brooks-Range all-weather snow boots, that have accompanied adventurers on expeditions to the world's harshest environments. OR's focus on functionality extends beyond apparel. Their innovative solutions include the early expedition-ready water bottle parka that prevents freezing and handy emergency medical kits. From head to toe, OR offers a comprehensive range of outdoor gear. They've got gloves, hats, sun protection options, and even lightweight shelter solutions. Their commitment to "Designed by Adventure" is evident in the quality and functionality of their products, making OR a trusted companion for trekkers, mountaineers, and anyone who loves exploring the outdoors.

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