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About en.REI.com

REI (Recreational Equipment, Inc.) is a renowned American outdoor retailer, recognized for its vast selection of high-quality gear and commitment to outdoor stewardship. Founded in 1938, REI has grown from a small cooperative to a nationwide organization, while maintaining its passion for the outdoors and dedication to its members. Offering everything from camping and hiking gear to cycling and paddling equipment, REI is a go-to destination for outdoor enthusiasts of all kinds. The brand not only sells products, but also offers expert advice, outdoor experiences, and even classes to help people make the most of their outdoor adventures. REI's commitment to sustainability and environmental conservation is commendable, with initiatives like responsibly sourced products, waste reduction, and significant investments in outdoor access and conservation causes. Through its quality products, extensive knowledge, and community-focused values, REI inspires, equips, and guides people to enjoy the outdoors responsibly.

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